mercoledì 1 ottobre 2014


Qualche tempo fa mi era arrivata un'email da (una piattaforma di e-learning di Css/javascript):

Want to earn a free lifetime membership?

In preparation for the Hour of Code in December we have translated our Intro to Game Development Lesson into Spanish, Russian and Portuguese.
We need your help to translate this 30 minute lesson into your native language! In return, well hook you up with a lifetime membership for Code Avengers for you or a friend. If you'd like to be involved, HIT REPLY!

Free Intro to Game Dev 2

We have just released part 2 of our intro to game development.
Try the lesson: Game demo:
We'd LOVE your feedback. Stay tuned for the launch of "Part III" next week.

Google Login

You may have noticed that you can sign in to Code Avengers using your Google accounts. So no more having to remember a separate password!


There were some people who experienced glitches with the site a couple of weeks back. We apologize for this!! All the problems have been sorted out, and we will do our best to make sure things run GLITCH free from here on out.
Mike & the Code Avengers
Fun and effective learning for all ages

Ho subito risposto di si che avrei tradotto il semplice tutorial in Italiano... Dopo pochi minuti mi hanno risposto ok regalandomi anche un accesso illimitato ai loro corsi.
Sono riuscito a tradurlo in breve tempo, se qualcuno ha voglia di provarlo e inviarmi i suoi feedback...
Il link e':
